
Bernhard Jensen
The Jewish Bibliophiles’ Society - The Soncino Society at the Jewish Museum Berlin
Five years ago, the library of the Jewish Museum Berlin began to digitize selected holdings, starting with the Soncino Society’s collection.
In a nutshell:
Here the library presents its key data as briefly as possible. Just click.
Beit Ariela Tel Aviv
David Oppenheim's library
The Bottrop Book Hamper Dorsten
Ets Haim Amsterdam
The Föhse Collection Wuppertal
Germania Judaica Cologne
Germania Judaica in the Museum Ludwig
Isaak Olschanski Library Cologne
A Jewish scholar‘s library
The Hebraica & Judaica Collection of Frankfurt University Library
Jewish Archival Survey Ukraine
The Langerman Collection Berlin
Leo Baeck Institute
New York | Berlin
Library of the Israelitische Cultusgemeinde Zurich
Library of the Jewish Museum Frankfurt
Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary New York
Library of Judaism in Buchen/Odenwald
Library of the Liberal Jewish Community Hanover
Library of the Taube Department
National Library of Israel Jerusalem
Offenbach Archival Depot
The Richter Collection Cologne
The Ringelblum Archives Warsaw
The Soncino Society Collection Berlin
Steinheim Institute Libraries Essen
Wiener Holocaust Library London